Industry Survey: How Can Carbon Emissions be Reduced in the Sea Freight Sector?

A student from the University of Exeter (UK) has launched an industry survey to seek help in understanding how carbon emissions can be reduced and the issues that are obstructing carbon emissions reduction.

The survey seeks to find out the technology that is available to ship owners and operators now and how companies are preparing to reduce emissions in the future.

It consists of 14 questions which shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete.

Background to the survey: In Paris, last December an historic agreement was signed by all member states of the United Nations to reduce carbon emissions and to work together to achieve a reduction such that the average global temperature rise will be less than 2 degrees centigrade by 2100. However, aviation and shipping were not part of this deal. Shipping produces about 3% of carbon emissions, and as the UN states reduce their emissions the proportion of emissions from shipping will rise. Most of the emissions from shipping are as a result of sea freight and to achieve the aims outlined in Paris, it has been argued that the sea freight sector will need to have reduced its carbon emissions to 50% of 2012 emissions by 2050.

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Ship Efficiency Review News
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