EU Arctic Policy Hits the Mark For European Shipowners

European ship owners believe that the new EU Arctic Policy Communication from the EU Commission hits the most important considerations say ECSA (European Community Shipowners’ Association).

The Association say that climate change and environment, sustainable development and international cooperation in the Arctic are equally important.

Challenges to ship operators in Arctic navigation include issues such as poor charts, lack of infrastructure and navigation control systems and low search-and-rescue capability.

These topics are all addressed in the Commission’s communication and that the EU is supporting IMO’s Polar Code.

The Polar Code covers the full range of design, construction, equipment, operational, training, search and rescue and environmental protection matters relevant to ships operating in waters surrounding the two poles.

ECSA also highlighted the fact that the EU is expected to maintain its current funding levels for Arctic research saying “European shipowners believe that not only a proper regulatory framework should be in place but investment should be focused on improved infrastructure, satellite observation and search and rescue capabilities. In this context, the resources of European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) on maritime surveillance and vessel traffic monitoring could be expanded also in the arctic waters.”

“We endorse all initiatives that will concretely improve the polar shipping conditions. We find that enhancing the safety of navigation in the Arctic is essential. We also see an EU added value on Arctic research and therefore we warmly welcome any initiatives that increase our knowledge of the seabed of the Arctic waters”, concluded Patrick Verhoeven, ECSA Secretary General.

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