IMO Talks Sustainable Shipping At ITF Transport Summit

During the recent International Transport Forum’s (ITF’s) Green and Inclusive Transport Summit 2016, held in Leipzig, Germany, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) highlighted its plan to work on promoting green and sustainable shipping.

IMO Secretary-General, Mr Kitack Lim, spoke of the mandatory energy efficiency measures that have already been adopted and approved and the two major technology programmes that are in use to help improve efficiency in shipping and move towards a low carbon future.

The role of ship designers and marine engineers to develop the technological solutions for improving efficiency was highlighted as a key factor to enable the industry to participate in the targets set out by the Paris Agreement.  Similarly, the role of ship operators and managers, seafarers and educators, as well as the business of shipping to ensure that investment in innovative low carbon technologies is properly incentivised, was stressed as a key goal for the maritime industry.

Transport ministers from ITF Member countries attending the summit agreed a declaration on green and inclusive transport. The declaration recognises that growth in the maritime industry highlights the need for enhanced cooperation among transport stakeholders in order to promote the protection of the environment alongside sound framework conditions for the sector through continued collaboration at IMO.

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