OOCL Steps Up GHG Emissions Reporting

OOCL has extended its commitment to environmental protection and data integrity standards by including Long Beach Container Terminal, LLC. (LBCT LLC) in the United States and Kaohsiung Container Terminal (KAOCT), Taiwan in its greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting.

Accredited by Lloyd’s Register, OOCL has achieved dual reporting standards for the third consecutive year through the use of Clean Cargo Working Group and ISO 14064-1:2006 verification tools.  OOCL has achieved transparent, accurate, complete, consistent and relevant data for the emissions of CO2, sulphur oxides and GHG Scope 1 and GHG Scope 2 data, both of which are meeting standards.

GHG Scope 1 data refers to direct GHG emissions from company sources and indicates here the emission data from OOCL’s ships, whereas GHG Scope 2 data refers to GHG emissions from purchased electricity consumed by the company and is determined by the electricity consumption of OOCL’s head office in Hong Kong.

The verification process involved the preparation of full documentation and records that showed effective management and internal controls for collecting and reporting data to meet the dual standards.  According to the company there were no discrepancies and the management of consumption and emissions data was adequately verified.

OOCL states that its commitment to sustainability and transparency will continue with progression on information management of key environmental and emission indicators to help strengthen and broaden its GHG reporting scope.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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