Ship Intelligence to be Discussed in Singapore

Singapore will have the opportunity to get to grips further with ship intelligence when Oskar Levander from Rolls Royce touches down there next month.

Oskar, Vice President Innovation, Rolls Royce will be sharing his knowledge with the Singapore shipping community at the Smart Operations Conference on 12th May.

Levander believes that the greatest opportunities for efficiency lie in the optimisation of the whole maritime operation rather than simply physical vessel modifications.

Ships should not be treated as single individuals at sea, but rather the whole fleet managed and optimised.

This is critical for an operation to survive. Whilst fuel prices might be low, profit is still very difficult to find.

It is possible today for operators of all sizes to draw intelligence from their operations and more than anything need a pathway to understand  how to do this.

See Oskar Levander at Smart Operations. Sign up here

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