Nor-Shipping: exactEarth’s real-time AIS service – the next digital disruptor?

The launch of ExactEARTH’s exactVIEW RT (real-time), satellite service system indicates a disruption in satellite communications and data feedback services is occurring.  

Launched at Nor-Shipping, exactVIEW has the ability to instantly transfer data to the ground without any time delays. The one hour delay that current satellites experience is no longer an issue with this service as its specially designed payloads give continuous coverage and real time transmissions of AIS and VHF data, according to Peter Mabson, CEO of exactEARTH.

Its launch marks the commencement of the first service of these specially equipped satellites with maritime payloads. Its new satellite capabilities expect to assist with navigation, safety, environmental management and security.

Currently, 250,000 vessels around the world are being tracked. More than 60 satellites will be in use with these payloads on board, which are hosted by the Iridium NEXT constellation of satellites. Mabson says this is a US $3bn infrastructure and has proven to be highly reliable, with a lifespan of 15 years.

Mabson believes the Iridium host to be unique. In space, each satellite has a communication link that connects them so any information taken by any satellite anywhere in the world can be routed from satellite to satellite and down to the ground, to the exactEarth data centre and down to the customers in real time.

It is a major new data and information pipe that can detect any vessel anywhere in the world and use VHF radio to optimise routes, navigate safely and reduce fuels and emissions, all in real-time.



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