Unmanned Ships: Liability Issues Must Be Resolved

According to Karno Tenovuo, VP Ship Intelligence, Rolls-Royce, there is an evident unmanned trend in society, and it is not a case of if, but when, unmanned ships are available.

Unmanned ships are just one part of the move into a digital future, but before we can fully implement them we need to sort out liability problems before moving ahead, ensuring there are enough data and analysis to deal with cybersecurity and communications, and health and safety management to ensure the future of maritime operations.

Martin Briddon, Business Development and Engineering Manager at James Fisher MIMIC agreed with Tenovuo, stating that data maintenance needs to be looked at more and how data is generated and how it affects processes in order to make decisions throughout an organisation for long-term success.  For example, looking at the long-term picture and using a systems approach is key.  Using data to understand how carrying out one operation, such as slowing a ship’s speed by 2 knots, will affect the long-term maintenance of hulls and other components.

Michael Servos, Energy Manager, Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement also spoke of the importance of data collection and digitalisation in implementation of the EU MRV regulation. Additional resources on personnel, software, hardware will be required, and a major task will be developing a useful data collection system before MRV enters into force. “Data are critical.  This process needs to be automated as it will take too much time to do using people. It is a very time consuming process to collect and analyse data” he stated.

However, the benefits of the MRV in terms of ship design will lie in the development of more efficient designs as the regulation will add additional pressure to ship owners to seek the most efficiently designed ships for more efficient operations, Servos concluded.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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