35% Increase in Clean Ships Calling at New York & New Jersey Port

The Port of New York and New Jersey has reported that it has welcomed a greater number of cleaner ships docking at the port in the last three months thanks to its renewed Clean Vessel Incentive (CVI) Program.

The CVI program which originally run from 2013 to 2015,  provides financial incentives to ship owners and operators calling at the port that have made voluntary engine, fuel and technology enhancements to reduce emissions beyond the regulatory environmental standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The port’s amended CVI Program was launched on January 1, 2016. In the year’s first quarter there were 253 qualifying ships calling at the port, which is a 35% increase from the same period in 2015.  Incentives for clean fuels reached US $285,000, a 10% increase year on year.

For instance, NTK Line Inc. logged 49 ship calls and US $86,000 in incentive earnings, the most of any carrier.

This year, the port reported that 16 ships equipped with Tier II engines have called at the port, this is double the number from last year. More ship owners are fitting engines to their ships that lower the formation of emissions, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) during combustion and comply with the IMO’S Tier II level on NOx.

The amended CVI program will run through December 31, 2018.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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