Nor-Shipping: Maritime industry creates its own human skeleton of transport

The maritime industry is creating its own human skeleton, made up from transport links and infrastructure as a result of increased global connectivity and communications.

According to Dr. Parag Khanna, Managing Partner at Hybrid Reality, maritime infrastructure and transport is becoming connected in a way that parts of the human body are connected to one another.

The entire transport system can be viewed as the human body.  Fibre optic internet cables, which represent the vascular system, connect and code the ocean floor, while energy, oil, gas, and electricity grids represent the vascular system, linking economies today.

This human skeleton concept means that every region of the world has become active in the trading economy and even landlocked countries are acquiring better access to ports.

The Arctic is also becoming a region to be quantified.  New routes are opening up and investment is higher, and this will become a critical passageway for the global supply chain and for maritime.

These infrastructure systems are creating an entire planetary matrix system that powers human civilisation.  Khanna believes this is one very strong reason to be optimistic about the future.



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