Press Release: Glasgow Scotland- Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) are the first to announce an international commercial shipping event coinciding with COP 26 to be held in Glasgow on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of November. COP26—Shipping’s Voyage to Zero will feature zero emission ship technologies and zero emission ship designs as well as conduct a deep dive into the policy and financial frameworks that will support shipping’s voyage to zero.
COP26—Shipping’s Voyage to Zero is a unique event in Glasgow which will bring players from across the international shipping sector to demonstrate how trans-oceanic zero emissions shipping is not only a reality but will be the norm within the next decade. This ZESTAs hosted workshop-type event will look at combining zero emissions technologies and design features: along with how regulations, logistics, funding, insurance and other factors interact with each other to impact shipping’s voyage to zero emissions. Speakers will include representatives from the IMO, Flag states, zero emissions ship technology providers and ship designers, finance, insurance, ship owners, small island developing states, the UN and more.
“We don’t have time to waste” stated ZESTAs Secretary General, Madadh MacLaine. “Ninety percent of world trade is transported by ship, releasing greenhouse gas volumes on par with the world’s largest countries. Shipping’s transition to zero emissions is critical to solving the climate crisis. The Paris Agreement will fail unless ships move rapidly to zero emissions.”
2020 was a year of unprecedented challenge, opportunity and new learnings. Oil dipped below $40 a barrel. Virtually every country with a major economy came out with a hydrogen policy. The IMO was forced to meet virtually while many countries have moved their dates to achieve net zero forward. Shipping companies for the first time since the age of sail are seriously considering trans-oceanic zero emissions vessels. All in all, it was a year of unprecedented change. For this reason, COP26–Shipping’s Voyage to Zero will be a combination live and virtual event, with plans to shift to a purely virtual if we are unable to meet in person.
“Shipping needs to come together as an international industry to address climate change on an international level, working in unity to create an actionable plan, finding solutions that are globally applicable and fair to all stakeholders” stated MacLaine. “Because shipping is an international industry, decisions must be made on an international level. Therefore, ZESTAs has chosen to hold this Zero Emissions Shipping Event on the first 3 days of COP 26 pushing the agenda forward by bringing together actors from across the sector.”
The outcome of the COP26- Shipping’s Voyage to Zero event will be a manifesto including actionable items to support zero emissions business cases, solutions to existing barriers to zero emission shipping, creating new opportunities and partnerships on Shipping’s Voyage to Zero.
For more information on participation, please contact Madadh MacLaine at .