Online Hull Cleaning Cost Comparison Calculator Unveiled

GAC has unveiled its EnvironHull online fuel savings calculator that enables ship owners and operators to compare the costs associated with different hull cleaning methods.

Developed over the past year, GAC’s Environhull online calculator provides a method to compare savings that can be achieved through using different hull cleaning techniques.  The calculator takes into account ship size, speed, voyage, fuel type, temperature and the chosen antifouling coating that is used and can be accessed by PC, laptop, tablet and smart phone.

It also considers the associated and sometimes hidden costs of using diver brushes or other abrasives that can damage hull coatings and lead to further expenses.  It then compares the cost of these parameters with the fuel savings achieved by using traditional cleaning technologies and GAC’s own HullWiper Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) that claims to save 50-100% on fuel and operational costs.

Robert Anderson, HullWiper inventor and GAC EnvironHull’s Technical Director commented: “This new tool gives users an easy way to plan their route, calculate and compare savings. With it, they can make an informed decision about which hull cleaning system to use to optimise their vessel’s performance and profit.”

The calculator can be accessed by clicking here. 

Photo courtesy of GAC. 

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