Danish Shipowners’ Association Pushes For Enviro Regs Uniformity

The Danish Shipowners’ Association is pushing its call for uniform global environmental legislation through its new website, Navigating Responsibly.

The website highlights the efficiency of maritime transport, services and products and illustrates how data collection, monitoring, ship design, alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and efficient ship operation has and can influence the shipping industry’s fuel consumption, ship efficiency, and impact on the environment and climate change.

The Danish Shipowners’ has repeatedly called for an effective and ambitious climate and environmental regulation of shipping to ensure that there is uniformity and consistency in emissions regulation.

The new website highlights the Danish shipping industry’s results to date in improving efficiency, keeping CO2 emissions at a low, despite increasing its fleet size, thanks to a sustained focus on identifying measures to improve the efficiency of maritime transport. However, there is concern from the Association that their results in pioneering green efforts, may lead to an unlevel playing field if not replicated elsewhere.

Maria Bruun Skipper, a director at the association, commented: “It is crucial that the regulation is global and that it is enforced uniformly and effectively. This is the only way to avoid distortion of competition whilst ensuring a real impact on the environment.”

The website can be accessed here.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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