Crowley Maritime is to install Caterpillar Marine’s Cat Asset Intelligence software onboard one of its ships to improve monitoring and performance.
Crowley’s tugboat, Guide will be installed with Caterpillar Marine’s custom vessel monitoring and diagnostics solution that will allow 24/7 monitoring of its main engines, generators, thrusters, and key systems.
The Cat Asset Intelligence software is fully automated and uses data capture through analysis. It gives advisory recommendations for each piece of equipment, including the Caterpillar Marine asset intelligence team, which provides advisory and management reports with recommendations for individual equipment, while advising Crowley in ways to save money and impart efficiency in operation.
Furthermore, the Cat Asset Intelligence services are scalable and customisable enabling monitoring and diagnostics of the entire fleet to provide with advice on optimal vessel operations and equipment management. For example, the software can give early warning signs of catastrophic failure, enabling maintenance to be scheduled in order to avoid it.
Crowley is also assessing the functionality of Caterpillar Marine’s software through a governance committee and if meet the expectations, Crowley will explore options of incorporating the software across its fleet.
Ship Efficiency Review News
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