New California biofouing rules in force

VESSEL operators with ships entering California’s waters are being warned about new bio-fouling rules that come into force at the end of the month.

The new rules were agreed earlier in the year by the California State Lands Commission, and strengthen existing provisions in the state to reduce incidents of invasive species being brought into the states waters.

An advisory note published by US class society ABS ways the rules effectively repeal reporting requirements for the Hull Husbandry Reporting Form, the Ballast Water Treatment Supplemental Reporting Form. and the Ballast Water Treatment Annual Reporting Form, and adopt a new Marine Invasive Species Program Annual Vessel Reporting Form.

The new rules are effective from October 1 2017

Additionally vessels built after January 1 2018, or following their subsequent dry docking after the turn of the year need have developed and keep maintained a  biofouling management plan, a biofouling record book, and mandatory management of vessel’s wetted areas. Any vessel that remains in the same location for more than 45 days is also required to have a biofouling management plan

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