Fathom Q: Which two magic words get people to think about crew as an asset and not a cost?

This week fathom held a live discussion on how to think of crew like an asset, rather than a cost.  

One of the questions raised was, “What are your two magic words to get shipowners to think about crew as an asset and not as a cost?”

This is what some of the speakers and participants had to say:

Steven Jones, Seafarer Happiness Index, Project Head, Mission to Seafarers 

“Transparent and accountability, which for magic, sound pretty dull – but without those, it is doubtful that bad owners will be forced to learn and reap the good.”




Jeff Johnson, General Manager, Manning, BP Maritime Services

“Safety – if we care about people and treat them well, then safety pays itself back in spades.

Future – this includes welfare. Good focus on welfare means that we will be paid back in success.”


Jim Hardie, Technical & Fleet Operations Director 

“I would say “Take Ownership”.

What I mean by this is that owners should look at employing their crew and not just hiring through a third party manager for contracts of 4, 6, 9 months then send them home, if they come back for another contract great, if not then the 3rd party manager will find someone else to fill the vacancy onboard the vessel.

Now, that’s not to say all owners are like that.  For seafarers, additional benefits to the basic standard, additional paid training above the basic required standard, seafarers conferences and training with owners and managers taking part along with the seafarers (where we also meet, talk and build relationships with their families).

But we could go further by providing internet access to the seafarers, not just when in port, as their families are also important.”


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