ABS Releases Condition Monitoring Guidance

ABS has published two guidance documents concerned with condition monitoring that aim to help ship owners choose appropriate monitoring techniques based on a variety of parameters.

The Guidance Notes on Condition Monitoring Techniques and the ABS Guide for Surveys Based on Machinery Reliability and Maintenance Techniques provide updated methodologies to better streamline the classification notation process, which are applied to machinery reliability and maintenance management programs, and reduce out of service time.

The Guidelines take the expectations and needs of ship owners into account. They provide information on measurement frequency, personnel skill requirements, company resources and approaches to risk assessment. They also explain the process and requirements for ABS review of design submissions, explaining how design and maintenance plans throughout lifecycle stages of the product are analysed.

ABS Chief Technology Officer Howard Fireman commented: “There have been significant advances in condition monitoring software and diagnostic technologies that have the potential to improve operational efficiency and enhance overall safety.  These changes are reflected in these newly released documents.”

The purpose of condition monitoring is to reduce the amount of time equipment is out of service for survey activities as well as protecting equipment failures and therefore reducing downtime that is subsequently required for service and repair.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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