BMT SMART Shortlisted for Ship Efficiency Award

BMT SMART’s Smart Fleet has been shortlisted for the Energy Efficiency Solution Award, one of the central award categories of the Ship Efficiency Awards 2016.

The Ship Efficiency Awards 2016 ceremony will be hosted by Lloyds Register and Fathom Maritime Intelligence in London on November 2, 2016.

The Energy Efficiency Award recognises a technology that has made a remarkable contribution to energy efficiency in shipping operations.

BMT’s Smartfleet is a management system that uses metocean data in combination with BMT’s algorithms to isolate the different components that contribute to overall vessel performance. This enables the ship operator to identify the cause of the inefficiencies and quantify the effectiveness of any adjustments that have been made.

Smartfleet combines five key performance indicators including power, fuel, hull condition, propeller condition and specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) coefficients.

The power coefficient aims to monitor the propulsive power, while fuel coefficient represents the overall changes to consumption as a result of the efficiency of the main engine and the vessel’s resistance.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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