Do not underestimate the creativity of the criminal market warns cyber security expert

Senior Cyber Security Product Manager & ISDS Approval Engineer at DNV GL, Patrick Rossi, has spoken of the increasing threat cyber hackers present to the shipping industry as they become more creative in their hacking ways.

During an Immediasea forum on cyber security in the maritime industry, Rossi stated that cyber hackers are becoming more and more creative in their ways to access data and information and they are constantly training up and refining their skills in order to execute anything they want to.

According to the cyber security expert, everyday 390,000 new malware programs are released.  Hackers have the ability to attack 1TB of data per second, making it impossible for those trying to prevent it to do so.

Furthermore, today only 35% of hackers and hacking attempts are actually caught.  This is due to organised cyber-crime that means hackers are communicating more effectively

What we need to do now is raise awareness, Rossi stated.  A key theme running throughout the afternoon’s forum.  By doing this we can gain a 50% improvement to reduce cyber threats and prevent criminal fraud, said Rossi.


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