Dynacom Prepares for MRV Regulation

Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd is undergoing a pre-verification GAP Analysis by Verifavia to meet the EU’s Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Regulation, which came into force in July 2015.

Verifavia has started a GAP-Analysis audit of the tanker company’s operating profile, using its M/T Gladiator oil tanker as the base vessel.  The audit will involve an assessment against the specification of the EU MRV Regulation and Delegated & Implementing Acts and the draft Monitoring Plan (MP) to ensure that the vessel is on track to achieve compliance with the regulation.

Once all gaps have been closed, Verifavia will review the final version of the MP and issue Dynacom with an MRV-Ready certificate.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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