EU Must Take Stronger Action on Shipping & Aviation GHG Emissions, says NGO

Transport & Environment (T&E) has released a statement that urges the European Union (EU) to take stronger action on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping and aviation.

T&E’s call to action comes following the release of a draft report by the European Commission (EC) entitled “A European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility” which highlights the actions to be taken to reduce road transport emissions. However, T&E believe that the report neglects the movements that are required to mitigate the impacts of shipping and aviation.

Despite welcoming the post-2020 efficiency standards for new cars and vans that are to be implemented, which recognises the role of EU level action in reducing transport emissions and enabling Member States to meet their 2030 climate goals, T&E says that it is disappointed that there is a lack of ambition on international aviation and shipping.  Due to the rising level of emissions, expected to continue, more action is required to ensure they contribute to Europe’s low-emission transport agenda.

Furthermore, T&C states that the Commission does not recognise the potential of passenger rail to decarbonise transport and replace short-haul flights.

The draft report does however recognise the potential role for electro-mobility to help reduce oil dependency in the transport sector and supports the use of electric vehicles to balance smart renewable electricity grids.  For instance, the proposal that manufacturers would be required to supply ultra-low emission vehicles (as they must in California and 12 other US states) is promising, however, the report also highlights the difficulties that lie in providing the industry with certainty about the use of sustainable energy over bad biofuels.

Although the report states that “future mobility in Europe will need to be low-emission in terms of carbon and air pollutants” it fails to specifically discuss the role of the shipping industry in achieving low-emission targets and does not mention what actions the industry needs to take to align itself with the outcome of the goal of the Paris Agreement: limiting global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

T&E executive director Jos Dings commented: “The Commission is reasonably specific about its plans to reduce road transport emissions but is missing the chance to outline how aviation and shipping, which are the fastest growing share of Europe’s emissions, can contribute to decarbonisation. Europe’s climate ambition must cover all sectors, and all modes of transport.

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The draft paper can be viewed by clicking here.

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