FinFerries’ Fleet To Host Finland’s First Battery Powered Ship

FinFerries has selected Siemens’ electro-technical solution for installation to Finland’s first battery-powered car ferry.

The newbuild ferry will feature Siemens’ BlueDrive PlusC, a solution that includes an energy storage system, variable speed drive technology for the propellers and an integrated alarm and monitoring system.

The system aims to reduce the operational costs for FinFerries and minimise maintenance and repair, as well as improve safety though its energy management thruster control systems. BlueDrive PlusC includes remote access monitoring system, EcoMain, while Wifi will also be provided by Siemens in order to connect with the shore-based charging stations controlled by the ferry’s energy management system for automatic and secure fast charging.

The energy storage system can be charged at each side of the crossing, with a shore connection to the local grid.  In case of harsh weather conditions Finland experiences, the ferry will have the option to utilise a diesel engine to support the batteries as an extra boost when travelling through ice, enabling hybrid operation.

The ferry is being built at the Polish shipyard CRIST S.A and will operate between Nauvo and Parainen in the Turku Archipelago, commencing summer 2017.

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