Fuel Management Software Upgraded for IMO Reporting Regs

Royston’s enginei fuel management system is to feature an advanced automode detection capability that will enable ship owners to accurately monitor their ships’ fuel consumption and emissions to comply with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) requirement that ships over 5,000 GT should report fuel consumption to their flag States.

The enginei system uses volumetric or mass flow measurement to enable high level analysis of fuel data and incorporates a range of detailed reporting options including performance data, fuel optimisation rates and mission critical information.

Previously, the operational mode of the vessel was inputted by a crew member manually.  The operational mode is determined by the activities that are undertaken by the ship during its voyage at different times, while fuel consumption and emissions are affected by the mode, the speed and weather conditions. Therefore, the automatic detection of the ship’s mode would help monitor ship performance to positively impact the economic operation of the vessel.

Furthermore, by automatically detecting the operational mode, then chance of human error and misunderstanding based on incorrect results is reduced.  The upgraded fuel management system, which uses sophisticated statistical analysis to enable automatic identification of the ship’s operational mode, was developed in collaboration with Newcastle University.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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