New Thruster and Rudder Filler Coating Launched

Subsea Industries have announced the launch of a filler coating that returns the thruster or rudder to its original state prior to touching up the repaired area with its Ecoshield hard coat system.

The company says that this product provides a cost-effective solution for the repair of corroded or pitted steel surfaces. As Ecofix uses the same basic resin as Ecoshield, the coating can be applied just one hour after applying the filler.

Boud Van Rompay, Executive Director of Subsea Industries, said: “We are seeing an increasing number of propulsion and steering equipment suppliers apply tough hard coatings to their equipment for maximum protection against cavitation and abrasion damage, both of which can lead to widespread corrosion if conventional coatings fail.“

When a rudder or other piece of underwater gear has not been properly protected, the surface will become corroded. Cavitation damage can cause severe pitting and the steel needs to be restored to its original shape with a smooth surface prior to recoating.

Van Rompay says that Ecofix has been developed to repair most pitting or corrosion damage on rudders, stabilizer fins, thrusters and other underwater gear.

He says that Ecofix is: “It’s as tough as the steel itself.”

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