New US Oil Spill Bill Targets Violators

A new bill has been passed in the United States that amends the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to impose penalties and provide for the recovery of removal costs and damages in connection with certain discharges of oil from foreign offshore units, and for other purposes.

The Foreign Spill Protection Act of 2016 amends the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) of 1990 by correcting a gap to make it possible to hold a foreign entity responsible for claims arising from pollution incidents.  It effectively ensures that American taxpayers are not stuck with the bill if oil from a foreign spill spreads into American waters. The update includes areas “located seaward of the exclusive economic zone, including facilities located in, on, or under any land within a foreign country”. Currently the law states that responsible parties could face up to USD 1 billion in oil spill damages for oil spills that originate in other countries’ waters and eventually impact American waters.

According to the Senator that passed the legislation, this bill is not only good for the health of the environment, but also the well-being of the nation’s taxpayers.

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