Onshore Role Crucial for Data Analysis Says, Hapag Lloyd

Hapag Lloyd’s Fleet Support Centre Director, Joern Springer has said that the shore side involvement in data collection and analysis is imperative.

He made the remarks during a speech at Ship Efficiency: The Event 2016.

“We have to look at what happens in the supply chain, not just onboard”, he stated. Looking at all aspects of data and where it comes into play is key, and this means making operations and data more transparent said the ship owner representative.

“We are just understanding how to use data now, but as it grows it becomes not just big data, but smart data.  And we need smart ways to manage this”, he said.

In order to do this, Springer believes that the industry needs to know what data to store, where to store it, who to share it with and where to get investment from.  Determining investment can be difficult though, he says due to the fact that we need to understand what we can actually get from the data and what investment is really needed.  And to do this the industry needs top commitment and support to drive improvement and change. Cooperation and involvement is key and communication and translation to staff regarding changes is vital to ensure we get the best out of our data, Springer concluded.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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