Operationalising Methods to Meet MRV is Key, Says Skysails CEO

Stephan Wrage, CEO, Skysails Group took the Ship Efficiency: The Event floor to emphasise the challenges that lie ahead of the MRV CO2 regulation following last week’s decision at MEPC 70 to bring the MRV into force in April 2018.

“Although we have heard before the ways to overcome the challenges of implementing the regulation, what we need to do now is to operationalise this.  Correct policies are key, while automated data collection that is high enough quality to do what is required in different regulations is vital”, Wrage stated.

He continued: “Now, what we need to do to generate all of these processes and automated data generation into a service in order to reduce the reduce the risk of accidental non-compliance.”  This is where being smart comes into play, Wrage stated.  MRV reporting is a big chance to collect data, but if it is being used for reporting CO2 emissions then we may as well harvest it and use it to optimise other operations onboard to increase efficiency and reduce costs, Wrage continued.

Automised reporting is particularly important as it gives people the tools to react immediately.  According to Wrage, Skysails have seen savings of 10% by doing this.  However, it is vital that good components are in place, such as sensors, to help set up and calibrate to reduce the risk of wrong use and non-compliance.

Wrage also highlighted the importance of making sure there is someone there to analyse your data.  Often the knowledge is there but it is the time that is the issue.  If ship owners put efforts into operational centres and employ people that can work with the data onshore, then accurate data analysis and operational efficiency will be maximised.

Of course, ship owners want quick payback times when investing in technologies, but with expensive equipment it is difficult to find a bank that will provide large sums of money in shipping.  even more so when there are only 5 or so ships on the database that have proven results.  This is where the challenge lies, he said.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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