Peace Boat and DNV GL Sign MoU for Ecoship Project

The global non-governmental organisation (NGO), Peaceboat and DNV GL have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to design, construct and operate phases of Peace Boat’s Ecoship.

The signing took place at this year’s SMM trade show in Hamburg, Germany on Tuesday September 6th and marks the promotion of the Ecoship as a flagship for climate action, the Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable shipping.

The Ecoship is hailed to be the world’s most sustainable cruise ship once completed and will feature a range of technologies and innovative services.  The design of the Ecoship and the combination of wind energy, anti-drag elements and cleaner fuels is expected to achieve 20% cuts in propulsion energy, 50% cuts in electricity load and a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to similar ships built before 2020.

Developed by a team of over 30 engineers, scientists and thinkers from the fields of ship-building and eco-technology including renewable energy, architecture, biophilia and waste management, the Ecoship will feature a propulsion system that will achieve higher efficiency than any cruise ship today and aims to break new ground in how natural propulsion is perceived in the cruise industry.

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