Portable Condition Measurement System To The Rescue

Time is of the essence when finding the cause of any failure in of a stern tube bearing, seal or shaft.

Wärtsilä have developed a cutting edge portable condition measurement system that tackles not just this issue but also aims to keep equipment in tip top shape avoiding vibrations and unexpected downtime.

If there is a problem, service engineers can measure the vibration, temperature, torque and position of the equipment to determine the reason for the failure and make the necessary repairs and adjustments.

Additionally, utilising the new technology, health checks of equipment can be carried out while the vessel is in operation.

The equipment can be mounted on the vessel whilst loading or unloading cargo to avoid any downtime with monitoring then initiated within a day.

The system logs all incoming data from the equipment while the vessel is in operation, enabling detection of any abnormalities in functioning.

“Troubleshooting is now easier than ever” René Bertelse, Global Sales Manager, Seals & Bearings Alignment & measurement services explained. “This is a significant innovation that benefits all ship operators, but cruise and ferry operators and container vessels in particular, as avoiding vibration is very important to them and unexpected interruptions can become very costly.”

Ship Efficiency Review News
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