Press Release: Goltens teams up with Yara Marine on SOx scrubbers

PRESS RELEASE: Goltens and Yara Marine Technologies have entered into a non-exclusive global engineering and installation pact for Yara’s SOx Scrubber System from 2018, including sales representation in North America, the Middle East and Singapore.

“Yara Marine is a leader in exhaust gas cleaning systems,” says Goltens COO Roy Strand. “The addition of their well proven SOx Scrubber System to our Green Technologies sales and service offerings is a real win for Goltens, and an added advantage for our customers.”

Kai Låtun, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer in Yara Marine, is equally happy with the Goltens deal: “The value of a strong sales and service network cannot be underestimated. Goltens brings proven global environmental retrofit expertise and solid maritime relationships to this agreement.”

A bonus for both in the new partnership should be the timing. The looming 2020 sulfur cap requirement will lead many shipowners and operators to calculate their return on investment in scrubber technology, compared to spending more on lighter fuels indefinitely.

“The regulatory emissions deadline is no longer in doubt. It is happening,” says Strand. “When emissions regulations are applied globally, the investment in exhaust cleaning will make more sense to many operators.  There will be more customers who choose to invest in scrubber technologies due to the clear payback.”

Those customers will be able to take advantage of Yara’s simpler, lighter and more efficient systems: “The Yara in-line system has no internal moving parts, and our magnesium oxide technology is cheaper to operate and maintain, and safer than competing systems that use caustic soda,” Kai Låtun emphasizes.

Summing up, Roy Strand has praise for Goltens’ new partner, and their products: “Yara’s SOx scrubbers add a new dimension to the Goltens Green Technologies portfolio. Their technology fulfills the strictest IMO requirements, and we are very happy to be able to partner with Yara Marine and offer this line of high quality compliance products to our customers.”

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