Ship Owner Associations Unite to Demand IMO CO2 Roadmap Action

BIMCO, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), INTERCARGO, INTERTANKTO, and World Shipping Council (WSC) have made a joint industry submission to the Marine Environment Protection Committee’s (MEPC’s) 70th session to urge International Maritime Organization (IMO) Member States to seriously consider the need for further progress on the reduction of the shipping industry’s CO2 emissions.

The submission, which comes ahead of MEPC 70, due to be held at the IMO headquarters in London next week, calls upon Member States of the shipping industry to finalise the adoption of a global CO2 data collection system, which will act as a precursor for the consideration next steps in addressing the sector’s CO2 emissions.

The submission asks MEPC 70 to agree to the development of a roadmap to include a timeline for this work. It is then expected that this timeline will include the consideration of the next steps so that the IMO can make a positive report to the next United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP 22), which meets in Marrakesh from 7 November.

These steps would then build on the existing IMO mandatory agreement on technical and operational measures to reduce shipping’s CO2 emissions.

This submission to MEPC 70 is intended to demonstrate that the shipping industry is responding responsibly to global climate change, and that the IMO is the only competent authority for addressing shipping’s CO2 emissions.

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