Smart Ship Platform Launched

Following the announcement from Hyundai heavy Industries (HHI) and Accenture in July 2015 that they were to collaborate on designing a ‘connected smart ship’, the duo have this week announced the launch of OceanLink, a ‘smart ship’ platform for the shipbuilding, shipping, and onshore-logistics sectors.

OceanLinkTM utilises data captured by thousands of sensors installed on the connected smart ships to break down communication barriers and provide timely feedback, such as alerts and warnings, predictive maintenance and more efficient scheduling. The advanced sensors utilise satellite technology to transmit valuable data between ships. This gives operators the foresight to make swift, data-driven decisions for day to day operations.

Using a network of sensors built into new vessels on top of Accenture’s Connected Platforms as a Service (CPaaS), OceanLink enables ship operators to capture a range of ship operation information including weather, location, and onboard equipment and cargo status data. Ship operators would also have access to integrated analytic and visualisation tools that would enable users to monitor the ship’s status and condition in real-time.

On-shore, the data is processed by HHI’s On-Ship Platform and Accenture CPaaS. Onboard HHI also provides HiCASS (Hyundai Intelligent Collision Avoidance Support System) and HiEMS (HiMSEN Engine Monitoring System) technologies.

HiCASS collects information from navigation equipment such as radar, automatic identification systems and electronic navigational charts to recommend optimal sea routes, and can identify collision risk levels. HiEMS collects and records real-time engine status data and transmits the raw engine data to an onshore centre for remote engine status analysis.

The companies say that OceanLink is available for all commercial vessels, irrespective of whether they were built by HHI.
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