Sweden to Investigate Impact of NOx ECA Introduction

The Swedish government has stated that it is going to look into the impact of introducing a nitrogen oxide (NOx) Emission Control Area (ECA) in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea regions.

The government agency, Transport Analysis and the Swedish Transport Agency will carry out the investigation, looking in particular at the competitiveness of companies operating in the shipping sector as well as the Swedish industry.  There will also be a summary of previous analyses of health, climate and environmental effects due to the introduction of a NOx ECA.

Anna Johansson, the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure stated that shipping has a considerable role in strengthening the industry and exports in Sweden, however, it is still important for shipping to reduce its emissions or both greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants.

An interim report is to be submitted by September 30, 2016 and a final report will be made by  March 31, 2017.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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