The Shipping & Sustainability Files: Cleaning shipping’s image

Does shipping have an image problem? Has it failed to attract the attention of the public at the right time to the right things? Or is this just a hopeful dream by those who think they have something to gain by promoting the image of the maritime sector to a public that always seems to have something else to focus on?

Fathom World focuses on the internal developments of the shipping maritime and oceans sectors as they evolve through economic, regulatory and social pressures, and there is a belief that this transformation should be catching the public attention more. Instead stranded giant boxships blocking canals, oil spills, air pollution, abandoned crews seem to make the main headlines, occasionally with stories of how ships are beached to be recycled.

It is true, bad news sells. That is what the mainstream media focus on. At journalism school tutors ask a simple question: “Why do people watch the news or read the papers?” There are two simple reasons. People want to know if the world is safe and if not why not, and secondly what’s gone wrong and how. This latter is the same reason people slow down to gawp at a motorway accident.

You only have to think about why you devour news to understand your motivations.  Business journalism is a different beast in some ways as it is about looking for opportunities, about looking for risks as well, such as missing a trend. Instead of asking whether it is safe in the world business papers try to answer the question of where’s the opportunity for our company.

In last week’s Shipping and Sustainability call on Clubhouse we invited Guy Platten, secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping to talk to you, and us, and answer questions about how shipping is being branded. We wanted to know what he thought we could do about it.

The following Shipping & Sustainability File is not taken verbatim from that discussion, and reflects the comments and opinions of all those on the call, not just that of the hosts (GIna Panayiotou & Craig Eason) and our guest (Guy Platten).

The Shipping & Sustainability Show on Clubhouse is a joint undertaking from
Fathom World & Oceans Arena/It’s All About Shipping

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