Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement Completes MRV Pilot Project

Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement (TCM) S.A. has successfully completed its Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) project with Lloyd’s Register.

Lloyd’s Register has been working with TCM on early compliance with the European Union (EU) Regulation 2015/757 on the MRV of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from maritime transport. The project between LR and TCM provided an opportunity for relevant issues to be identified relating to the MRV Regulation and assess the methodologies of complying with it.

The project carried out assessment of compliance solutions available to TCM for the MRV regulation. It was carried out in two phases.  The first phase involved the review of the ship’s monitoring plan in accordance with the mandate of the EU Regulation (this was held as a desktop study).  The second phase involved verification of the ship specific emissions report to a reasonable level of assurance and at a materiality level of the professional judgement of the verifier, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 MRV of CO2 emissions from maritime transport.

Following the review of the monitoring plan, a Verification Report was issued by LR Marine & Offshore to TCM that focussed on data reliability from the information reported by the ship.  It also looked at the calculations conducted by the office and addressed the relevant risks associated with these processes.

TCM successfully completed its objective to assess and verify the effectiveness and accuracy of its CO2 monitoring plan and received, third party expert advice on how well it has integrated forthcoming regulatory requirements on carbon emissions.

Ship Efficiency Review News
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