Ultraship Takes Step Towards Paperless Operations

UltraShip, the ship management company for Ultragas, has implemented automatic scanning software in to their document management process.

UltraShip is responsible for the technical and crew management of the 22 Ultragas LPG carriers worldwide.

The facility is a new function of the Logimatic’s Sertica software which Ultraship utilise for maintenance, fleet management, procurement functions.

Logimatic recently partnered with Eye-share in order to add Eye-share’s scanning and OCR software, SmartSCAN, to Logimatic’s portfolio.

“Before all invoices were handled manually, but with SmartSCAN, we save a lot of time. The system can check the invoices for us, we no longer have a lot of internal paperwork, and we are less dependent on specific people to approve invoices,” says Ulla Lange, Senior Accountant at UltraShip.

SmartSCAN is offered as a standard integration in Sertica and Logimatic say that they see it as “a huge benefit to all of our Sertica users with the procurement module installed, and it has been very interesting to follow the feedback from UltraShip in Copenhagen.”

Ship Efficiency Review News
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