Campaign Launched to Educate on Dangers of Petroleum-Based Spills

RSC Bio Solutions has launched a new education campaign that aims to inform the shipping industry and the general public on the causes and effects of petroleum-based oil spills on both land and water and highlight the importance of adopting sustainable business and personal practices in protecting “The Three Ps” – People, Planet and Profits.

A microsite called, which is the centerpiece of the campaign features two new infographics: Every Spill Matters and The Future of Petroleum-Based Spill and Leak Regulations.  These aim to highlight key data and legislative requirements on the three Ps.

As part of the education campaign, other components include byline articles, speaking presentations, white papers, and a revamped company website,  The new website aims to provide content focused on the company’s mission to provide sustainable, high-performing solutions for unforgiving environments and meet the demanding needs of operations, while also reducing environmental and employee risk.

In addition to outlining possible legislative changes and explaining safer alternatives to petroleum-based products, the microsite and infographics highlight illustrative data points:

  • While many believe marine pollution happens from marine sources, land-based and urban runoff sources contribute more than half the pollution introduced into American coastal waterways each year.
  • Industry spills alone contribute more than 9 million gallons of oil to U.S. land and groundwater resources each year.
  • A single hydraulic leak of one drop per second is equal to 420 gallons of oil per 12-month period.

According to Lisa Clark, Vice President of Marketing and Market Development at RSC Bio Solutions, there has not been enough attention and media focus given to land-based and smaller oil spills and leaks, which are just as dangerous to the environment as large marine-related spills.

Clark commented: “As a biochemical, technological and environmental leader, we are committed to not only creating a better world by spearheading the development of sustainable technologies but to also creating products that are cost-effective and allow for easy conversion. This campaign is an outward manifestation of that vision.”

The education campaign arrives shortly after the launch of RSC Bio Solutions’ new FUTERRA Ecolabel environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL) that meets global sustainability requirements

with enhanced equipment and fluid performance.  While the product launch has initially been focused on marine operations, the company believes that by educating land-based operators on the dangers of even small spills, they will be moved to take action.

“We’ve taken a quantum leap forward with the development of FUTERRA, and, while we expect the industry will be very interested in learning what they can do to help protect the 3 P’s, we encourage everyone to use the online tools we’ve developed to better understand the true impact of this type of pollution and our common ability to improve our environment by making simple changes in the way we work, live and do business,” added Clark.

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