IMO Launches MARPOL ANNEX VI Training Programme

15 Jan 2

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has released a complete maritime training package that focusses particularly on MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4, the regulations and compliance options.

The training course is made up of six modules and an extensive information pack that contains a range of pdf resources, presentations and posters and has the overall aim of encouraging energy efficiency trainees to become trainers themselves.

The six course modules are Climate Change and Shipping Response, Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations, Management & Operation, Ship Board Energy Management, Ship Port Interface for Energy Efficiency, and Energy Management Plans and Systems.

Each course module displays aims and learning objectives to help ship owners understand and implement efficient operations. The courses are split into short sections and sub-sections in order to break up learning objectives into manageable sections and at the end of each course references are provided to facilitate further reading for deeper understanding.

Module 2 on Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations, for example, defines and outlines all energy efficiency related MARPOL Annex VI regulations, describes the concept of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) and shows how to calculate EEDI as well as identify related guidelines and recognise why they have been developed.

The posters act as support to the courses, using a combination of texts and diagrams to illustrate process and regulations within the shipping industry in a clear and concise manner.  The presentations contain a high number of graphs, charts and illustrations to demonstrate in a simple fashion the definitions, processes and frameworks that should be understood for managing ship operations for regulatory compliance.

The IMO says the online training course will also help to encourage the development of a pool of people who can participate in capacity building activities.

To access the free online training course click here.

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